1. When different blood types have a 3PM appointment

2. When different blood types are at the canteen

3. If the female blood type B is a cat

4. When blood type A communicates to blood type B
5. When blood type AB communicates to blood type O

6. Degree of patience for each blood type
7. When different blood types are driving

8. When different blood types are complaining about something unplesant

9. When different blood types are facing crisis

10. When different blood types gossip

11. When other blood types are trying to figure out what AB is doing

12. If the internal wold of each blood types is being represented as a house

13. When different blood types are given a set of rules

14. When different blood types are asked to hang a painting

15. When different bloody types are playing games

16. When blood type B is reading a book about blood type analysis

17. Different blood types as depicted as spaces

18. The internal world of different blood types

19. The reason why different blood types are unlikeable

20. When different blood types face with punctuality

21. When different blood types try to express themselves

22. The purpose of their lives

23. When different blood types study
24. The uniqueness of each blood types
Yaah seperti itulah. Ada cocok, ada ga cocok. Lingkungan dah pasti ada pengaruhnya, kalo goldarnya penurut sama ortu, ya pribadinya juga kayak didikan ortu. Kalo suka berontak, yah sifatnya kontradiksi sama keinginan orang. Kalo suka dengan yang sudah umum, jadilah karakter yang sesuai dengan masyarakat.. Gitu doang. Haha. Kalo aku menyinggung, maaf, saiia hanyalah manusia biasa.. @,@
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